Star Wars: The Old Republic — Крупное пополнение саундтрека
Ежедневное пополнение саундтрека Star Wars: The Old Republic. На сей раз целых девять композиций. Слушайте их под катом новости.
Taris, The Plague
Nar Shaddaa, The Playground
Tatooine, The Desert Sands
Alderaan, The Throne
In The Escape Pod
Doe Azalus Ootmian
The Occupation Of Balmorra
The Battle For Coruscant
Hoth, The Frozen Wastes
Скачать:01. The Mandalorian Blockade02. Korriban, The Homeworld03. Yesterday's Jawa04. Average Brown Wookiee05. Ord Mantell, The Battleground06. Nal Hutta, The Glorious Jewel07. Tython, The Wellspring08. Dromund Kaas, The Seat Of Power09. Coruscant, The Capital10. Do The Holos Show Up On The Bill?11. Kayfoundo Naweea (Hungry Eyes) 12. Balmorra, The Forge 13. Taris, The Plague 14. Nar Shaddaa, The Playground 15. Tatooine, The Desert Sands 16. Alderaan, The Throne 17. In The Escape Pod 18. Doe Azalus Ootmian 19. The Occupation Of Balmorra 20-01. The Battle For Coruscant 20-02. Hoth, The Frozen WastesДо запуска Star Wars: The Old Republic осталось 6 дней.